The International Training Institute(ITI) Badili Campus in Port Moresby has achieved 10 year of being recognised

    • by Department of Higher Education Research Science and Technology (DHERST) as a higher education provider.

    • During its first 2024 intake orientation yesterday, marketing manager Semir Rose said that ITI was recognised by DHERST in 2014.
    • “It is a milestone to us because we were being recognised by the Government through giving back to the community, “Rose said.
    • Managing Director and President Mr.Senthil Kumaran Sentheyval said ITI is looking forward to offering degree programmes and hoping to upgrade into a University.
    • As ITI grows, we reduce the number of intakes. Basically, we have two intakes per year, in February and in June.
    • “In terms of facilities, we have created computer laboraatories, classrooms, lecture theatres including boardrooms in each centre” Sentheyval Said.
    • He said they did two types of auditing every year to improve the institution’s performance and eligibility in the education sector through auditing of its physical facilities and internal process.
    • Sentheyval said that internal process is much more in terms of what the institution does and most people don’t see how they are developing internally.