A decade of DHERST accreditation for ITI,

  • 2024 marks the tenth year for the International Training Institution (ITI) in Port Moresby as a higher educational institution in Papua New Guinea. This was revealed during the institution’s orientation last week.
  • ITI POM campus was accredited by the Department of Higher Education in 2014 after its establishment in PNG in 1999.
  • During a virtual conference with the media, Managing Director for ITI Kumaran Sentheyval said in its 25 years in PNG, ITI has seen many developments.
  • He said ITI remains committed to offering quality education, better resources, and improved facilities to provide education opportunities in the country and meet the job market.
  • “We have seven new higher education programs and two have been approved at the beginning of the year 2024 and will be offered next semester. The two programs are Diploma in Small Business Management and Diploma in Tourism and Hospital Management,” he said.
  • Mr.Sentheyval added that the Kokopo campus has been operating as an Open Distance Learning Centre and will soon be launched and have full-time courses offered there.
  • “The Kokopo centre has been in operation for 13 years and we will soon launch the Kokopo campus once all the processes are checked and completed.
  • “We also have the ITI scholarships per year where a sum of K350, 000 is allocated across all campuses in the country. The bigger campuses get more scholarships, and we plan to increase the scholarships for all.
  • “We are looking at introducing degree programs in the future and also strive for university status but one step at a time,” he said.
  • Another highlight for the institution this year is its 25 years anniversary in April.


ITI committed to provide best service to Students

  • THE International Training Institution (ITI) is one of the leading and biggest private higher learning institution in the country.
  • ITI POM Campus hosted its orientation program recently at its Badili Campus with over 700 students already registered and ready to start classes.
  • ITI Executive Manager Sivanathan Sivaruban urged students to utilize all the necessary resources and facilities at the school to improve their knowledge once they start classes.
  • He strongly emphasized on ITI’s goal and commitment to provide quality education and services to its students in all its campuses across the country.
  • He said ITI is keen to train and equip students to be job-ready, meaning they can meet the educational and skills demand of the PNG labor market.
  • “ITI provide quality infrastructures for you to access and improve your knowledge. Use the key facilities like the library, do research online and improve your knowledge”.
  • “From certificate courses, you can further your studies in diploma courses and continue into tertiary institutions if you wish to continue. Time is limited, use the skills you receive here and excel in life,”
  • Mr Sivanathan told the students. Mr Sivanathan explained all the courses to the new intakes and encouraged all the students to study hard and take the initiative to improve their skills to be job ready after they graduate.
  • Registration is still open for February intake this year for more queries, contact ITI POM (Badili) campus on 7050 6997.
  • SOME of the students listening attentively during the orientation program in Port Moresby recently.