International Training Institute is the one private learning institution in the country that consistently
awards scholarship to students each year.

The Scholarship programme was initiated by co-founder and chairman of ITI Senthil Kumaran Sentheyval. This is part of the institute’s initiative to give back to the community.

The awards were given to secondary schools and national high schools all over PNG. Since inception, the scholarship scheme has already given out over a million worth of kina for scholarships toward securing brighter futures for students.

Although, Covid019 has posed negative impacts on many businesses, ITI is still committed to award K300,000 in scholarships to 88 students in PNG this year.

A total of 45 students were selected from 11 schools in NCD and seven schools in Central. The other 43 scholarship awards will be divided to the eight ITI branches in: Alotau, Kiunga, Lae, Goroka, Kokopo, Kimbe, Kavieng and Mt Hagen.
ITI also sponsors sports and humanitarian aid like assisting natural disaster impacted areas.

The institute helps students start get the best quality education that ITI offers Certificate, one Year Diploma and 2 years Higher Education diploma courses are accredited by the Department of Higher Education Research Science and Technology. As long as a grade 12 qualify to apply HELP (Higher Education Loan Program) for two years higher education diploma courses.

ITI is also associated with Certified Practicing Accounts PNG and PNGHRI. The school is also associated with four leading Universities, members of PNG Human Resource Institute.

If you are a school leaver who could not make it university because of limited space, there is always a space for you at ITI.

Enrollment in now open Feb 2022.