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Port Moresby Cricket Association (POMCA) is being given a boost of K30,000  from the  International Training Institute.

The cheque was being presented by ITI Managing Director Mr. Senthil Kumaran Sentheyval to POMCA Chairman Dean Ani and his executives during the press conference at ITI Badili Campus last 24th of May ,2016.

 Mr Sentheyval said, “ITI will continue to give its support to POMCA, we are proud to dish out K30,000 for T20 Competition and will provide another K10,000 for the ITI cricket bash in September this year.  I’m happy with the progress of association and ultimately get crickets players to the national level.  With sports it gives an option for unemployed youth to keep them occupied and out of trouble”.

“ITI has been continuously supporting POMCA which reached almost K200,000 since 2010.  This is through the initiative of late Chairman Mr John Vada”, the managing director added.

POMCA Chairman Dean Ani thanked and appreciated ITI for continuous support and assured the funding will be use to further develop the games.

“We are proud of our players, we want to ensure that ITI’s sponsorship will not be wasted but used according to its purpose for the good of cricket in Port Moresby.  Our roll out program has been very successful over the years and we now have teams from Tubuseira and Pari villages participating in the competition.  We want to extend to other villages from Rigo and Aroma Coast Boera, Papa and Lealea who will invited to take part in the ITI Cricket Bash in September”, POMCA  vice chairman Charles Amini remarked.

ITI also sponsored K5,000 to the Lae Cricket Association last year.

Meanwhile ITI is also extending its goodwill with the POMCA to provide scholarship to cricketers who have completed grade 10 & 12.  This is to encourage the players to excel not only in sports but in education too.