Marketing Team attended 53rd Graduation of IAROWARI Secondary School   which was held in Hide Away Hotel last Nov 2015.
IAROWARI Secondary School is one of the oldest schools in Central Province.  Since 2012, we have been invited to attend their yearly graduation.  This is an opportunity for   ITI Marketing team  to  present  an award for ITI scholar  and  to   inform the audience  of parents, guardians, teachers and graduates about  the profile  and success of  ITI .
Mr. Andrew Moava the secondary school headmaster is always grateful to have us in their special occasion.  Mr. Danny Mongai Assistant Marketing Manager presented the ITI scholar award to Grade 10 graduating student – LARRY AUWA during the graduation.  (see Photo)
“I felt so lucky and blessed when I received the award. I plan to take up Certificate in Accounting wherein I can learn the skills and knowledge I need for me to become eligible to work in accounting office.  Thank you ITI” the scholar remarked.