1. ITI Senior Lecturer Mr.Sivanathan Sivaruban has published an article on an international Journal titled “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Accounting Technicians”.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as an interest and is the hottest topic among many professionals, including accounting technicians, who play the middle management of any organisation. This article aims to shift the perception of AI from a threat to a tool that can enhance our work. Many accounting technicians, understandably, view AI as a potential job insecurity. However, in reality, AI is a tool that an significantly increase our productivity and improve the quality of our work. It’s important to dispel the misconception that AI threatens our profession. Therefore, the author of this article uses the most straightforward language to explain real insights into AI and its positive impact on the accounting profession.
Download: “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Accounting Technicians“.
2. ITI Senior Lecturer Mr.Sivanathan Sivaruban has published an article on an international Journal titled “Impact of Corporate Governance Practices on Financial Performance of Listed Companies in Papua New Guinea”.
3. The 3rd International Conference IC3-IHRAUOC on “Digital Transformation of Employee Education Under COVID 19 Pandemic” was conducted by the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. Mr.Sivanathan Sivaruban presented a research paper on “Impact of audit committee on financial performance of listed companies In Papua New Guinea”.
Download: Impact of audit committee on financial performance of listed companies In Papua New Guinea
4. “PAPUA NEW GUINEA – A GATEWAY TO THE WORLD TOURISM” was published by Ashok Jayaraman in INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL OF COMMERCE, ARTS AND SCIENCE ISSN 2319 – 9202, the year of publication is 2023.
5. ITI Senior Lecturer Mr.Sivanathan Sivaruban has published an article on an international Journal titled “IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON VENTURE CAPITAL IN SMALL AND MEDIUM -SIZED ENTERPRISES – CRITICAL PERSPECTIVE”.
6. CMA JOURNAL 2021-September 2021 Volume 6 – NO 2
7. ITI Senior Lecturer Mr.Sivanathan Sivaruban has published an article on an international Journal titled “A Critical Perspective of Leadership Theories”.
Download: A Critical Perspective of Leadership Theories
8. ITI Senior Lecturer Mr.Sivanathan Sivaruban has published an article on an international Journal titled “A study on Income tax application on Employee’s Long Service Payment in Papua New Guinea” –
Download: A study on Income tax application on Employee’s Long Service Payment in Papua New Guinea
9. ITI Senior Lecturer Mr.Kaish Isaac Phili has published an article on an international Journal titled “AN OVERVIEW ONVOLUNTARY EMPLOYEE TURNOVER IN PORGERA GOLD MINE, PAPUA NEW GUINEA”.
Download: An overview on voluntary employee turnover in Porgera Gold Mine, Papua New Guinea
10. ITI Senior Lecturer Mr.Sivanathan Sivaruban and Lecturer Mr.Frank Oki has published an article on an international Journal titled “Capital Budgeting and Cost Evaluation Techniques: A Conceptual Analysis”.
Download: Capital Budgeting and Cost Evaluation Techniques: A Conceptual Analysis
11. ITI Senior Lecturer Mr.Sivanathan Sivaruban has published an article on an international Journal titled “A Study On Management Accounting Practices in PNG SMEs Sector”.
Download: A Study On Management Accounting Practices in PNG SMEs Sector
12. ITI Senior Lecturer Mr.Sivanathan Sivaruban has published an article on an international Journal titled “A Critical Analysis of Fortnight Salary and Wages Tax in Papua New Guinea”.
Download: A Critical Analysis of Fortnight Salary and Wages Tax in Papua New Guinea
13. ITI Senior Lecturer Mr.Sivanathan Sivaruban has published an article on an international Journal titled “Fortnight Salary Tax in Papua New Guinea”.
Download: Fortnight Salary Tax in Papua New Guinea publication
14. ITI IT Lecturer Ms.Sugitha Arumugam has published an article on an International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research Academy (IJMRA) titled “A STUDY ON MICRO DATA PRESERVATION USING INTERSECT CARVING”.
15. ITI Business Lecturer Mr.Peter Amos has published an article on an International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research Academy (IJMRA) titled “ASSESSMENT OF SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISE IN FIRE RISK MANAGEMENT THROUGH INSURANCE IN PORT MORESBY, PAPUA NEW GUINEA”.
16. Dr. S. Senthilnathan attached to the Quality Assurance of International Training Institute has published a paper entitled “THE DETERMINANTS OF INNOVATION AND PRODUCTIVITY OF A NATION” in the journal “Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets and Institutions” (Volume 6, Issue 3), which is a SCOPUS indexed journal in its recognized list in 2016.
Download: My Paper RGC__Volume_6_Issue_3_Summer_2016_9-15
17. ITI lecturer Sharmiladevi Parthiban has published an article on an international journal titled “Customer Relation Management(CRM)- in Modern Banking”.
Download: customer-relation-management-publication.pdf
18. ITI Students has published an article on an international Journal titled “Journal of ITI Centre of Internet Technologies Assessing Cybersecurity Risk in Digital Organization”.
Download: Assessing Cybersecurity Risk in Digital Organization
19. Dr. S. Senthilnathan has published an article on an international Journal titled “ECONOMIC ORDER QUANTITY (EOQ)”.
Download: ssrn_3475239_EOQ_2019-10-27
20. Dr. S. Senthilnathan has published an article on an international Journal titled “The Impact of Elasticity on the Firm’s Revenue”.
Download: 25 ssrn_2770916 ELASTICITY and Firm’s Revenue ORIGIN – IJSR
21. Dr. S. Senthilnathan has published an article on an international Journal titled “MEDIATING ROLE OF EMPLOYEE GREEN BEHAVIOUR TOWARDS SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE OF BANKS”.
Download: 31_ssrn_3630650_Mediating-Role-of-Empl-Green-Behav
22. Dr. S. Senthilnathan has published an article on an international Journal titled “GREEN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE OF THE BANKS”.
Download: 32 ssrn_3660157_Green-Infor-Tech&Environ-Perform-of-Banks
23. Dr. S. Senthilnathan has published an article on an international Journal titled “Risk, Return and Portfolio Theory – A Contextual Note”.
Download: B2 – 24 ssrn_2627423 – Return Risk and Portfolio_2016-04-07
24. Dr. S. Senthilnathan has published an article on an international Journal titled “RELATIONSHIPS AND HYPOTHESES IN SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH”.
Download: ssrn_3032284 Relation and Hypo in SSR 2017-08-27
25. Dr. S. Senthilnathan attached to the Quality Assurance of International Training Institute has published a paper entitled “USEFULNESS OF CORRELATION ANALYSIS”.
Download: ssrn_3416918_Usefulness-of-Correlation-Analysis_2019-07-09
26. Dr. S. Senthilnathan attached to the Quality Assurance of International Training Institute has published a paper entitled “CIRCADIAN RHYTHM AND ITS IMPORTANCE IN HUMAN LIFE”.
Download: ssrn_3441495_Circadian Rhythm and Its Importance 2019-08-23
27. Dr. S. Senthilnathan attached to the Quality Assurance of International Training Institute has published a paper entitled “ECONOMIC ORDER QUANTITY (EOQ)”.
Download: ssrn_3475239_EOQ_2019-10-25
28. Dr. S. Senthilnathan attached to the Quality Assurance of International Training Institute has published a paper entitled “WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT”.
Download: ssrn_3578141_WC-Mgmt_2020-04-19
29. Dr. S. Senthilnathan attached to the Quality Assurance of International Training Institute has published a paper entitled “ECONOMIC ORDER QUANTITY (EOQ) – An Extension”.
Download: ssrn_3665757_EOQ-AnExtension_2020-07-23